Civitas Cares
Civitas Promise:
We will donate 5% of our firm’s gains from each investment to a 501(c)(3) chosen by our entrepreneur partners.
Our Why:
Here at Civitas Growth Partners, we believe that emerging businesses are the bedrock of our nation’s economy, providing employees with opportunities for:
Meaningful work
Economic upside
Career advancement
Personal growth​​
– In short, the American Dream.
We are inspired by entrepreneurs who see a problem, decide it needs to be solved, and take it upon themselves to do so – often at great personal and financial risk.​​
We believe that when we are fortunate enough to realize success, we ought to share its fruits with those who have made it possible – notably, the communities that have supported and nurtured our partner companies along the way.
We hope that Civitas Cares will make a positive impact in the communities that are important to our entrepreneur partners and, in doing so, provide favorable conditions for nurturing future generations of entrepreneurs.